Hi, my name is Martin James. I’m a personal trainer and a strength coach. I specialise in body composition (fatloss & muscle building), strength training and health. I’ve been a coach for 20 years, and have been a personal trainer for over a decade. I was educated at Kingston University in London, England, and graduated with a degree in Applied Sport & Exercise Science.
I teach and educate people how to transform their body and take charge of their health. People hire me to coach them how to drop body fat, build muscle and get strong. I teach men and women of all ages and abilities how to strength train, how to lead a healthy lifestyle and promote a common sense eating approach for sustainable, long-term health.
Based in Central London, I operate out of a private, world class training facility in the heart of The City, where I coach my face to face clients. In addition, I work with clients online, domestic and abroad, with some far as Sydney, New York and Singapore. My app-based RECOMP programme is now used on 4 continents.
Clients trust me with their health, valuing my knowledge, experience and expertise in my field. I am their trusted advisor. I create the plan, help them navigate the plan, prioritising their health and wellbeing with every decision. I work with people both in-person and online, and do so with tremendous success - if you are coachable, show willing and work hard, the how is not an issue.
In my clinical work, I help people improve their health markers, drop body fat and reverse lifestyle based conditions. I routinely work with and address obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension. I do this through health & lifestyle intervention, using my knowledge and know-how to help them turn their health around.
For most, I can prove to be the difference between good health and ill-health. And for some, I’m what stands between them leaving the GP office and inevitable tier-3 weightless surgery. I am trusted by medical clinicians and members of the public alike.
My work is diverse, and my overall role that of a modern day health & fitness practitioner. Whether I am helping someone transform their body, or helping someone improve their health markers, my message and philosophy is the same. Although packed somewhat differently.
I am passionate about helping people take charge of their health. I’m an advocate for good sleep, sunlight, drinking water, walking daily, eating real food and lifting weights. The basics. I am passionate about strength training and believe everyone should lift weights for improved body composition and long-term health. I believe the decline in muscle mass and strength in humans is the cause of much ill-health, and see remarkable changes in clients once they start strength training with me.
I believe that most illnesses and diseases originate from what repeatedly goes on the plate, and that our lifestyle directly impacts our health & wellbeing. I believe we all have a duty to ourselves, to the wider society, to take personal responsibility for our own health, where physically and mentally able. Having observed firsthand, the incredible impact of exercise, a healthy diet, taking care of one’s self, I am hugely passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle, and offering my knowledge, experience and expertise where it is welcomed.