Results focused online personal training!

If you are unable to work with me in-person, online personal training is the next best thing. I use the exact same methods and systems for both, the only difference being you will train yourself. We’ll work closely together to help you get results.

I started my fitness journey many years ago and along the way I have had many PTs and coaches who promised me wonderful things and one thing that became clear - they didn’t listen to what I wanted and I wasn’t actually learning anything to become self-sufficient - so I went it alone.

Many years later I was stuck/frustrated and needed someone to guide me, which is when I came across Martin. I was hesitant and against my better judgement I arranged a call.

We are almost 6 months in and I couldn’t imagine doing this without Martin and I hope to work with him for years to come. What you should know about Martin; He is available, not once a week, or a prescribed time. You can always reach him and expect a prompt response.

He has educated me and is always willing to answer my ‘why's’ and crazy questions. He explains the programme, week by week. He pushes me beyond what I thought I was capable of. He is a partner/guide and really goes out of his way to make this a perfect fit. He never makes you feel guilty for having a social life and creates a plan around you, and he makes this process so simple and easy.

Martin is a true coach in every sense of the way and I wish I had found him earlier.

Rubena, online personal training client.

Online Client Testimonial

Build your self-confidence, energy levels and discover what it truly feels like to be healthy.

You’ll achieve results that go way beyond the physical. Within the first few weeks you’ll have more energy, feel less lethargic and sleep better. Over time you’ll carry yourself differently, friends & family will comment how great you look in your clothes, how healthy you look, and your self-confidence will grow.

Your own trusted advisor in your corner every step of the way.

Getting in shape can be a lonely place. Not everyone will understand what you’re going through. As your trusted advisor, I’ll help you navigate every stage, offering you guidance, support and being that person you can turn to for advice or just to listen.

Get the buzz for strength training!

Strength training is the most efficient and effective way to transform a physique. You’ll learn how to lift weights in order to drop body fat, build muscle and get strong!

Expert coaching and education helping you get results and learn what to do.

Your plan will be simple and the messaging will be clear and concise. You’ll receive ongoing coaching, feedback and advice on your training, nutrition and lifestyle habits. You’ll never be in doubt. With over a decade of experience on the gym floor, I’ll know what you need to do, when, and where to advise you throughout. (Picture: reviewing client training clips and providing coaching points and feedback).

Simple and straight-forward training to follow via my coaching app.

As with everything on your plan, your training programme will live on your profile on my coaching app. You will be able to see all of your workouts, and follow each session in simple manner. The workouts are interactive, meaning you can read session notes, watch demo videos of each exercise and log your weights and reps, and build up a training log to look back over. I will see all of this my end and coach you on it throughout.

Simple nutrition implemented to devastating effect.

The nutrition will be simple, effective and straight forward to implement. Your nutrition plan will be tailored to you and your lifestyle, focusing on real food and principles that work. No fads, no BS. Your nutrition will improve your health, fuel your training and change your physique. But this isn’t just about getting a result, we’re trying to implement good eating habits for life. You’ll be able to track your meals on the app and make use of the supporting nutrition material.

Improved performance for health and every day life.

You won’t just look and feel the part. You’ll be in the best physical condition of your life! We’ll work on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness throughout, improving your conditioning, v02max score, and health markers such as resting heart rate and blood pressure.

Tracking performance and metrics that matter.

We’ll set goals and track your progress throughout to keep you accountable and get you closer to reaching your goal. We’ll track changes to your physique, your health markers and your performances in the gym.